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About Us
Highway Engineering Consultant Joint Stock Company – HECO has been equitized from former HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT, that was a first-class company with its own legal personality and banking account. This is a leading design company of Viet Nam, specializing in consulting services of construction works, including: bridges, tunnels and roads. Its operating ranges include:
  1. Survey, design to establish Investment Report, Detailed Design, Working drawings, Planning Report of construction works, including special large bridges, interchanges, underpass, expressway, urban roads, national highways, rural roads and many other specialized types of roads.
  2. Construction Supervision of transport projects.
  3. Verification of transport projects.
The following is some outlines about the company:
50 years of experience in consulting services of road and bridge construction works:

Established in 1962 (a branch of Transport Engineering Design Institute), Highway Engineering Consultant Joint Stock Company – HECO has more than 50 years of experience in consulting services of transport construction works, namely:
  1. Survey and design most of large and key roads of Viet Nam, including: Bac Thang Long – Noi Bai Expressway; Lang - Hoa Lac Expressway; Cau Gie – Ninh Binh Expressway; …National Highways of Number 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 18…, ring roads, arterial roads of Ha Noi City; transport system of Hydroelectricity Plants, such as: Son La, Lai Chau, Dong Nai, Ham Thuan, Thac Mo, Buon Tua Srah, Buon Kuop, Dong Nai 4, Se San 4…
  2. Survey and design special large bridges, such as: Thi Nai Bridge (length of 2470m), Tan An Bridge (length of 413m), Dai Phuoc (length of 520m). Some underpass tunnels are: Kim Lien Interchange, National Convention Hall…
  3. Survey and design some transport projects in Lao, Cambodia.
  4. Joint-venturing and cooperating with some foreign companies, such as: CHODAI, PCI, APECO, KEI, JBSI… to survey and design projects invested by WB, ADB, JBIC.
  5. Construction supervision of some key construction works, such as: National Highway No. 1A – section Trung Luong – My Thuan, section Vinh – Dong Ha, Thanh TriBridge, Binh Bridge, Can Tho Bridge, Hai Van Tunnel…
  6. Provide high-quality workforce for foreign-invested projects.
Labor force of high quality and professionalism:

Quality of consulting service depends mainly on experience and knowledge of labor force involved in the project. Quality of labor force plays a key role in the success of the project. Understanding this clearly directs HECO to consider development of workforce quality as the top priority. The labor force of the company currently has about 220 people, including 1 Doctor of Philosophy, 6 Masters of Engineering, 149 engineers of different specializations. The rest are technicians and survey workers. The workforce is:

  1. Always self-educated and re-trained, ensuring professionalism, modernity and responsibility for the work.
  2. Of high engineering knowledge and experience. 20 per cent of the workforce is capable to be Project Manager, Survey Manager, Design Manager, Head Supervisor.
  3. Using fluently specializing software, such as: AutoCAD, Land Development Desktop, RM2000, GeoSlope Office, SAP2000…
  4. Using fluently modern equipment and machines, such as: Total Station, GPS machines, VEP equipment…
  5. High-discipline, conforming to Quality Management System of ISO 9001-2000.
Modern production line:

In order to ensure high specialized production, the company is divided into departments that work in its own field. They range from survey of topography, geology…to design of bridge, road or construction supervision. Based on above closed production line, the company can deploy workforce independently and actively to meet project schedule requested by Employer. 
Most of design work, data processing and management is implemented with computer and specialized software. Data systems are shared in Local Area Network (LAN) and connected to Internet.
Modern quality management system:

Highway Engineering Consultant Joint Stock Company – HECO always maintain and develop a client-oriented quality management system, ensuring quality of consulting service, suitable to demands of clients, meeting project schedule and dealing well with clients. The followings have been applied:
  1. Client-oriented quality management system - ISO9001-2000.
  2. A quality control department that is independent of business departments, ensuring mitigation of errors, recommending protective and repairing methods.
A large and stable market with continuous development:

Regular clients of the company are not only Ministry of Transport, but Ministries of Defense, Agriculture and Rural Development, People’s Committee of provinces and districts in the whole country. The company also provides labor force to International consulting companies.
The market of the company has developed stably in recent years, showing that company’s prestige is being heightened. The quality of consulting service is ensured, suitable to client’s demands.
Financial capacity of the company has grown significantly in recent years:

In period of 2008 – 2012, revenue of the company has increased continuously by about 8,94% per year.
Achievements in recent years:

  • 01 First class Labor medal                                                                  
  • 01 Second class Labor medal
  • 02 Third class Labor medals
  • 01 Government flag for excellent company.
  • 11 Certificates for high quality construction works
And many medals, awards and certificate for departments and individuals.






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